
16 Social Media Post Ideas

Steal my 16 favourite post ideas to help you engage your audience and grow your Rent Roll!

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Discover 16 different Social Media Post ideas (so you stay consistent with your social media every week!)

In this guide, you’ll discover…

How to use OTHER people’s articles as part of your social media posting schedule

The value of offering a “lead magnet” to help grow your list of landlord leads

A library of different ideas of things you can post on social media, so you’re never stuck wondering what to post!

Ellen Bathgate

Ellen is a rent roll start up strategist, a marketing expert, and has been in business since she was 23.

With a love of free (or almost free) marketing, Ellen teaches rent roll owners how to start and grow their rent rolls using affordable marketing strategies she’s tested and used herself over the years.


Download my Guide on How to Grow Your Rent Roll in 5 Hours a Week.

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